Durance Scented Bouquet Monoï Flower 100ml
The Scented Bouquet 100ml Monoï Flower is designed to create a serene and comforting ambiance in any space. Crafted with the utmost care, this scented bouquet fills the air with a delicately enchanting aroma that calms the senses and uplifts the mood. With a seductive blend of floral notes, it brings the essence of the mesmerizing Monoï Flower right to your home.
This scented bouquet is made using a unique passive diffusion process, which slowly releases the fragrance over time, ensuring a long-lasting and consistent aroma. It effortlessly spreads its captivating scent throughout the room, creating a tranquil and inviting atmosphere.
To use, simply remove the stopper from the bottle and insert the reeds into the opening. The fragrance will then be absorbed by the reeds and gradually released into the air. For a more intense scent, you can turn the reeds occasionally to refresh the bouquet. The scented bouquet requires no heat or electricity, making it a safe and hassle-free option.
The ingredients used in this scented bouquet have been carefully selected to ensure a high-quality and authentic fragrance experience. The passive diffusion system allows the delicate aroma of the Monoï Flower to be preserved, providing a truly captivating and immersive scent. It is crafted using a blend of
The bottle is refillable with the Durance Scented Bouquet Mono Flower 250 ml.
See the full Scented bouquet range here.
Buy rattan sticks or scented wooden flower for refill
Durance Monoï Flower Bouquet is a tantalizing blend of exotic floral notes, inspired by the lush beauty of tropical islands. The fragrance captures the essence of sun-kissed blooms mingling with the gentle breeze, enveloping you in a sensual and uplifting aroma. With its delicate balance of sweetness and sophistication, Durance Monoï Flower Bouquet transports you to paradisiacal shores with every breath.