
    • SARYU PURE HIMALAYAN – High Altitude Wild Himalayan Honey 300g


      The RUKUM, ROLPA, and JAJARKOT High Himalayan regions of Nepal are the source of this High Altitude, Pure, Wild, Himalayan, Raw, Natural, Cliff Honey.

      Getting your hands on this honey is really risky. The courageous “Honey Hunters” of the Himalayas, who are shown in numerous YouTube films, gather it by scaling rope ladders fastened to precipitous cliff faces in the High Himalayas. It’s amazing to witness them risking their lives to reach the hives and wild bee colonies high up on the rock face while wearing protective beekeeping gear. Honey is highly valued due to its fabled ability to improve health. This is because bees in these High Himalayan regions eat on specialized flora, like Sunpati Rhododendron, Kukti, and Jatamasni.

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